WP Content Crawler Plugin – Get contents from almost any site, automatically v1.14.0
Today we have downloaded and shared the WP Content Crawler Plugin with you. This plugin is 100% GPL-licensed, ensuring it is neither cracked nor nulled. You can use it on unlimited websites without any restrictions.
Why Choose WP Content Crawler Plugin?
The WP Content Crawler Plugin is a powerful solution for automating content import from almost any website. Designed for efficiency, it helps website owners, bloggers, and marketers save time by fetching, processing, and publishing content with minimal manual intervention. Whether you want to update your blog, aggregate news, or build a niche content website, this plugin has got you covered.
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Key Features of WP Content Crawler Plugin
- Comprehensive Content Scraping: Fetch text, images, and other elements from external websites seamlessly.
- Customizable Parsing Rules: Tailor the extraction process to your specific requirements for precision.
- Scheduling Capabilities: Automate crawling and publishing tasks based on your preferred schedule.
- Post-Processing Options: Modify and optimize imported content before it is published.
- Multisite Support: Works effectively across WordPress multisite installations.
- Regular Expression Support: Extract data with advanced regex patterns for precise results.
Sales Page and Demo
Sales Page: Explore detailed information about the plugin, including its features, benefits, pricing, and use cases, on the official sales page.
Demo: Experience the plugin in action by checking out the live demo, showcasing its scraping and publishing capabilities.
WP Content Crawler Plugin Free Download
We have provided this file under a GPL license to ensure you can use it for personal or client projects without limitations. The file is not cracked or nulled—it is a genuine GPL file. To download, simply follow the link provided.
How To Download Files On GPL Origin
Below are the file download links. The first one is from Mega, and the second one is from Google Drive. Watch How to download files from the “GPl Origin” video before downloading any files
Before downloading the file, watch this video to learn How To Download Files On GPL Origin