Real Thumbnail Generator Free Download v2.6.93
Today we have downloaded and shared Real Thumbnail Generator Free with you guys. The files I have given you are neither cracked or nulled, they are just 100% gpl and you guys can use these files on many websites.
Real Thumbnail Generator Free Download allows you efficiently to regenerate your (existing) thumbnails in your media library. You can regenerate a single image or images in bulk. The plugin allows you to create a custom upload structure for thumbnails. The regeneration of thumbnails can be up to 33% faster than other plugins due to chunked regeneration. Just install this plugin and it works with all your image and media files without any problems. Another helpful feature is, that unused image sizes can be detected and deleted, for example if you have switched the WordPress theme. It also supports WordPress Multisites.
Real Thumbnail Generator: Efficiently force regenerate thumbnails in bulk (or single) in WordPress Key Features
- WordPress 5.0 ready
- Only regenerate a set of image sizes, that means if you have registered a new image size you can only regenerate that one That means you can skip other image sizes.
- Single regenerate images in media library table, grid and attachment view mode
- Bulk regenerate in media library (table and grid mode)
- Works great with PDF files (WP 4.7+ required)
- Regenerate your whole media library
- Works with your existing images
- Custom upload structure for thumbnail pathes and filenames (you can define a pattern with placeholders)
- Detect unused image sizes (for example after theme switch) and delete them
- Can be up to 33 % faster than other plugins because RTG uses less requests to regenerate
- Compatible with Revolution Slider
- Compatible with touch devices
- Supports multisite
- 6 months support Included
- Forever free updates
- GPDR / DSGVO: The plugin is collecting no personal data!
Read also: Beaver Builder Theme Free [WP Framework]
Real Thumbnail Generator: Efficiently force regenerate thumbnails in bulk (or single) in WordPress Documentation
Please remember that if you want technical support for these files, you can purchase it separately from original developer of these scripts. This will help them financially for further development as well.
Real Thumbnail Generator Free Download
I have provided this file only with a GPL license so that you can use it on your website and your client’s website without any problem this given file is neither cracked nor nulled, this is a GPL file, and this file is provided only by GPL providers and they have provided this file for downloading. Copy the Mega or Mediafire link open it in a new tab and download Real Thumbnail Generator GPL file for free.
How To Download Files On GPL Origin
Below are the file download links. The first one is from Mega, and the second one is from Google Drive. Watch How to download files from the “GPl Origin” video before downloading any files
Before downloading the file, watch this video to learn How To Download Files On GPL Origin